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Friday, July 1, 2011


 my poor shadow, has an allergy to the grass here in Oklahoma! she gets such a rash on her underside its so red and starts too look raw, weve gone out and purchased some HOT SPOT remedy ointment you spray on...and for the product it is, it seems to offer some relief for her issue. i found this online as a remedy. MICHELLE

Dog Hot Spot Recipe

Sat, Jun 26, 10 at 23:34

1 part water
1 part baby oil (unscented if possible)
1 part plain old Listerine

Mix and put in spray bottle. Spray affected area 2-4 times a day. Use until hot spot is healed. This can be used on fresh or old hot spots, as long as they are not infected or have not become maggot infested. If your dog is outside and has hot spots, please check them every day. Maggots can quickly infest these wounds and become a real problem. When I was at the clinic we would see several dogs each summer with maggots in their hot spots. One Newfoundland was bad enough that it was euthanized. The Listerine works to prevent infection and the flies don't like the smell of it. The baby oil holds the mix to the skin and prevents the skin from drying out and pulling ( think road rash or carpet burn- how they pull and hurt when they dry out) and the water mellows the Listerine so it doesn't burn so bad. I have never found anything that works as well as this mix. There should be marked improvement within a day or two, but continue to apply until scab is loose, so no flies get to the wound.

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