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Sunday, July 31, 2011


The U2 band U2 has finished the series of concerts “360 Tour” on Saturday night in Moncton, Canada, with total revenue record of $736,137,344.
In their two-year tour, the members of U2 sang for a total of 7.26 million people and broke the revenue record previously established by the Rolling Stones band that generated revenues of 558 million dollars in a tour, according to
Concert Series “360 Tour” began in Barcelona on June 30, 2009, its success is due to the concept of 360 degree production,  which may increase by up to 25% the stadium capacity.
However, news of the success the band will not be well received by those who have brought public attention on the issue of tax paid by U2. Earlier this month, U2 guitarist The Edge, has vehemently denied allegations that the band or its members would make a tax evasion. Many of these accusations were released after the news broke out that the most of the band’s  business is operated in the Netherlands.
The Art Uncut militant organization wanted to point the finger to Bono and his band colleagues, for their tax “maneuvers” and flew above the spectators at the Glastonbury Festival huge white balloon with the message “U Pay Tax 2?” The Art Uncut Organization claims that Bono, a prominent campaigner against poverty would have to pay all taxes in his native country, especially in this period of recession.
Others argue, however, that the Irish band has the right to pay taxes in any country they want and that Bono participate more than any other star in campaigns against poverty and global diseases.
Irish band U2 ranks first in the Forbes highest grossing artists of the last 12 months. Group U2, who came first in the 2010 top, gained 195 million dollars in the last 12 months, thanks to the great success enjoyed by the concert series “360 Tour”. Irish band tour was promoting the 12th studio album of U2, “No Line On The Horizon”, released on March 2, 2009.
U2 band, made up of Bono (vocals and guitar), The Edge (guitar, keyboards and vocals), Adam Clayton (bass) and Larry Mullen Jr. (drums and percussion), was founded in 1976, when its members were still adolescents without a thorough knowledge of music. But around the mid ’80s, the band gained international notoriety, most notably for its intense and deep sound, passionate voice of the Bono interpretation and The Edge’s guitar. The success enjoyed as a live band was even higher than that obtained from the albums sold, until 1987′s “The Joshua Tree”, when the band was raised to the status of “heroes to superstars”, as Rolling Stone magazine said.

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