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Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Bono's ONE Campaign Takes American Moms to Kenya

BabyCenter Blogger Amy Graff on the ground in Kenya with the ONE campaign July 2011. (Courtesy of Karen Walrond of Chookooloonks Media.)

It is often said that mother knows best.
Such is the theme of U2 front-man Bono's newest ONE campaign, which has tapped the top 10 mom bloggers in the U.S. for a weeklong trip to Kenya to raise awareness of some of the problems afflicting the country, such as hunger, and measures that have been taken to avert it.
ABC News' David Muir is following the group of mom bloggers as it travels to Kaminogedo, Kenya, today.
The Horn of Africa has faecd the worst drought in 60 years. The first famine in nearly 20 years has been declared in Somalia, and more than 11.5 million people in the region depend on aid to eat. Even before the deadly drought began, the region faced daily threats of disease, such as HIV and tuberculosis.
"I'm going to Africa to listen and learn about what's working in Africa," Amy Graff, a blogger on the trip for BabyCenter told ABC News. "I want to write and share stories about those programs that are helping to save lives. So often, we focus on the negative and what's not working. This trip is about success.
"Only 1 percent of the U.S. federal budget goes to foreign aid. That very small amount is doing a lot and saving millions of lives, putting thousands of children into school for the first time and training entire communities in advanced farming techniques so they can feed their families and become financially independent," Graff continued. "I want to help let people know that this money is being well spent, and [we're] working so we can make sure that efforts in places such as Kenya continue to get funding, and possibly even more [funding]."
According to the ONE campaign, the ultimate goal of the trip is to cast a wider net for ONE activists as the 10 bloggers joining the trip share their experiences with millions of their followers.
The bloggers will travel to clinics, visit local homes with community health workers, administer tests for HIV and learn about treatment plans, check in with schools as well as meet with women living in fishing and farming communities.
"We're going to see Africa through the lens of a mother. We'll be meeting with women who are heroically making a difference in Africa. Female community health workers who are helping other women through pregnancies and vaccinating children," said Graff. "This is a trip to celebrate female successes in Africa, and then reach out to women across the globe who can let their leaders know that these programs that are inspiring, encouraging and funding women are working."
The trip's organizers are using on social media so that its bloggers can interact easily with followers at home. Each day the site will post a new blog from one of the U.S. moms describing their experiences with Kenyan moms. The ONE Campaign will also update their followers throughout the day on Twitter, using the hashtag #ONEMoms.
As for Graff, she will post on her blog each day, giving updates on her journey and posting an action -- something her followers can do to get involved.
"Today's activity is all about ensuring we let U.S. lawmakers know the importance of these programs," she posted.
The American bloggers hope the trip will give will increase awareness of the fact that drought and famine are not the only problems East Africa faces.
"Through daily postings of our bloggers, their goal is to help millions of other American moms share the experience and learn what they can do to help these Kenyan moms give brighter futures to their children, their cities, their villages and their country," Lauren Balog, communications coordinator for the ONE campaign, told ABC News.
Follow ABC News correspondent David Muir's Twitter feed as he reports on the mother bloggers in Kenya @DavidMuirABC. Also stay plugged in with for updates on this story.

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