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STAT COUNTER. yeah, your being counted. consider yourself lucky! lol


Sunday, January 7, 2007


we went to walmart today to get a plastic box for the ornaments i have. ive held them in a large plastic bag for a long time, and i felt i owed the ornaments i hold to great value some degree of saftey as most of the ones i cherish are breakable.

we found 2 small boxes that have red and green lids on them to use.

also while we were there craig asked me if i was interested in looking for a BLENDER. i have told him, if i have one, id be more likely to make smoothies and drinks for breakfast and lunch instead of actually eating something i may not need to be eating.

we looked and i we saw a decent one for 20$ but for 10$ more we could get one that did a bit more in its button choices AND..has a DRINK SPOUT, activated like a drink holding the cup against the lever that then pushes the nozle open and allows the drink to pour out.

also we decided to get a small electric chopper. he and i both hate to chop any food. especially onions!

on the way home, we stopped and got 20 POWERBALL tickets. hoping to win the 115 million.

we didnt. and no one has and the power balls up to 131 million..time to try again. i ask he not try to play until the number is actually 3 digits. theres no real point to plauying until its in the millions.

so, this was my first time ever playing the thing. and i didnt even get a buck back. i guess thats the nature of the beast.

i can say, we had every number in the string of power ball numbers somewhere in the 20 chances....even had 2 numbers in one chance, but we didnt have the powerball to even get the 7$ win off that. oh well. maybe next time.



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